Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy day after Turkey day

My tot made this.....

This is tot after pre-school. Oh I made her outfit.

We went to my moms and I ate way to much again but boy is it good. Hope everyone had a good day yesterday. I decided to do the 12 am Toys-R-us sale, I wish I would have brought my camera. I was about 250 people deep in a line of over 1000 people. I had a mission and did not deflect from it. I had my 50% off buys and was out by 12:45.

picking flowers at Grandma's

Turkey comma

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Good, Bad and the ugly

The good:
My machine is repairable and it won't cost a arm and a leg.
My blood pressure is coming down to almost a normal level after all the meds.

The bad:
My bp is still to high so no foot surgery.
I have a gnarly sinus infection that is sucking the life out of me.

The ugly:
I have been going every other day to have my bp checked, this is the ugly. They made me get on a scale today OMG, boy am I fat......

On another note I am thinking of having another blog. I want to have a place where I can say anything(I mean anything, I have allot on my mind that is not pretty). This site will be for happy talk only.

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm sad

I was in the process of making this really cute advent calendar as a gift. So here comes number 24 (the last number since I was going to put Santa on the 25th) and BEEP BEEP BEEP it was the alarm on my embroidery machine. My darling embroidery machine is jammed WAAAAAAAAAA. Hubby is going to drop it off at the shop today so cross your fingers it is nothing big. I think I would crawl in a hole and die if I loose my machine.

On another note I was supposed to get surgery on my foot next week. I week to get the pre-op work down low and behold they won't do it cause my BP is to high. So she gave me different meds. I was prescribed meds during the summer and stopped them cause they made me feel like do do. I have to go in today to see if it went down. Oh joy of being fat and old.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I need to loose 50 lbs. Any suggestions? I have done weight watchers and that works but then I gain it back. I was thinking about south beach....... UGGG......

Monday, November 16, 2009

Tacky or thoughtful

Ok so now I hope I have learned my lesson to keep my mouth shut. I told a mom last month that I was gonna make her son a hoodie for his play date / birthday party this month. We all know I as sick for almost 2 weeks and boy did that JACK things up.

So the party was today. I started yesterday to make this little boys hoodie and finally finished at 2 today (the party was at 3). So I thought I would have time to wash it well at 3:10 I had to make a decision. The choices were be late (it wash soaking wet at 3:10), don't bring it, let my son take it later or bring it wet. So I opted to bring it wet. I told one of the mom's what I did and she said "throw it in the dryer" so i did. Then later when the kid was opening his gifts I told the mom his gift was in her dryer. I will say this is a mom's club friend we are not best friends. I also will say my 19 yr old son said how tacky that would be and I replied she wouldn't expect any less of me. I will also say it was REALLY CUTE and I forgot to take pics (Star Wars hoodie need I say more).

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I need a new blog name contest

So I want to revamp my blog name. Any idea's??????

Come up with the name that knocks my socks off or just makes me laugh.

Here's the rules:

be a follower (new followers welcome)

come up with a great name and post it here under this post

you have until Nov 30th

What will you win you ask, one of my babies (the cute dolls not the bratty kid ones). The winner will get a custom cloth baby made by me. You can choose all the details like boy or girl, hair and eye color.

Here is the latest doll I have made.....

Monday, November 9, 2009

Still here

Well I kind of have enough energy to write this. It's not quite 8 am and I need to get ready to take my darling 4 yr old to school. My head feels like the Hulk is smashing it in. I would rather curl up on the couch instead of taking a shower.

There is really nothing to write about since this week I spent most of it laying on the couch or napping.

The only things really worth blogging about is:

If you are formula feeding a 3 month old do you feed on demand or on a schedule? I can't remember how sad is that.....

The other thing (a little deeper than feeding a baby) is my relationship with hubby is in a funk. We need a relationship make over. Don't get me wrong were not fighting but just a little distant or allot distant.......

Off to take a shower and the kid to school.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Miss me yet

Sorry all I have been under the weather since Friday night. I still feel like a zombie. I will try to update you all on the Halloween extravaganza as soon as I feel up to it.