Saturday, December 26, 2009

Guess what this is

Hubby works in the medical field and one of his colleges got this from a friend in infertility. She gave it to hubby and said "give it to you daughter, tell her it's a worm". Well even if we told her it was a sperm would it really matter she's 4. Any way I thought it was funny......

Friday, December 25, 2009

Happy Holidays

Hope all my blog friends are having a GREAT Christmas day.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Cookies and decorating

Still no sewing. I have to wear the boot for one more week but I did manage to get some craftyness in. We made cookies yesterday for the tot's teachers. Notice the gift tag, it's a cinnamon apple sauce ornament. It's really easy to do I would recommend not baking and air drying.

I had the urge to decorate and FINALLY got a tree. My son and his gal pal helped decorate the tree. All good times.

And last but not least. the tot had her first school singing this. This is here leaving the building and noticing me.

Notice her fly is down.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just crafty and fun

I will now dedicate this blog to fun stories and crafty stuff :)

Saturday, December 12, 2009


Ok I know I shouldn't complain or mutter the "B" word but OMG I want to jump out of my skin. I had my foot surgery on Wednesday (it went as well as can be expected since having your foot cut open in two spots). I can't sew BOO. I can't drive cause it's raining and no one in CA knows how to drive in the rain so I can't attempt to drive with my bum foot. I can't go outside cause it raining and I can't get my foot wet. My a** print is very vivid in my couch. I am taking antibiotics and it is causing havoc on my stomach. I have hobbled to the bathroom about 3000 times today, my poor you know what (I know to much info). The tot has a school singing thing this week and I don't have an outfit made for her cause my machine was broke and now I can't sew BOO.

Sorry for the fowl mood.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Just an update

Here's just a few things I thought I would update you all on.

#1 The broken sewing machine - should be picked up tonight, YAY.

#2 My blood pressure - it is down to a good level with meds, YAY.

#3 My stupid foot - I am having surgery tomorrow, BOO.

#4 My craft projects - everything is on hold now cause of the stupid foot thing, BOO.

I think I have all my Christmas shopping done. I just have to get something for hubby, I have no ideas, BOO. No matter how early I start thinking about making Christmas gift's I never seem to get them done months ahead of time like I think I would. Maybe this yr I can get my act in gear HA HA HA. Oh well off to make dinner for the tot, BOO.