Monday, December 27, 2010

Oh my

The last few weeks have been busy busy busy. This is what I made in the month of Dec.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

a gift for me

I have been needing a mini album for my purse. Here's what I came up with :)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

craft of the week

My 5 yr old is going to her pre-school fiance's birthday. I have my doubt's if it is to girly not the colors but the design it's self. Oh well it's a man purse......

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

I did it

I'm proud of the results :)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

feeling a little hurt

Ok so it's been getting pretty cold at nights. The tot only has light weight jammies and has been complaining about being cold. So I go on a mission.

I hunt down a pattern - takes a bunch of searching. Do research the material to make them out of. Go to joann's find the perfect pattern ( cause it has to be a hard to find one) pants with footies. So I go to work on making the pants. It's a pretty easy pattern but since the tot is tall and skinny I have to modify it and with that come tons of trying them on. So I make her mad with "come try these on again" "hey just one more time" "last time". I get hung up on attaching the foot to the leg cause they add a trim and makes it really bulking to go through the serger. I feel the urge to make them easier cause I plan on making a bunch of them, four hours later and a melt down by me I figure it out. So one leg is the pattern directions and the other is the four hrs easy way. She tries them on after they are completed and

Her "they are to hot"
Me "I thought you are cold at night"
Her "Just my arms"
If she was older I would make her arm warmers (like leg warmers).

this is the quick one this is the pattern way. I know looks nice but kind of a pain.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Friday, October 29, 2010

swimming and more swimming

We did allot of swimming this summer. It was hot hot hot.......

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

quilt for a mommy group mommy

I was itching to make this birdee quilt and here it is........

Friday, October 22, 2010

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Halloween calader

I just had to share this. I have seen tons of advent calendars out there and I wanted to do a Halloween version. 31 is so much I decided to cut it down to the "13 days of Halloween". I gave this one away so now I have to get my you know what in gear and make mine. I already have the goodies to put into it like Halloween yo yo, ball, bracelets, teeth and so on.....

I bought a cheap cookie sheet from Wally World and mint tins from Michaels. I sanded the cookie sheet and primed then painted in (you must sand it a little or the paint won't stick trust me). Glue round magnets to the back of the tins and went to town on making the numbered front.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Current project

So I made a quilt I had being dying to try for a baby shower (I will back track later and show the original later). She loved it so much she wanted me to make one for her sister-in-law who is due at the same time.

Here is a sneak peak of the birdee quilt.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

catch up

Ok so I will try to catch everyone up on the past memorable events or at least the ones I took pictures of.

So to start off - July (oh please don't expect me to put this in order). My son went into the Navy in March - boy do I miss my giant boy - and graduated at the end of April. I flew out to Chicago with his now x-girlfriend for his graduation. He came out 4th of July weekend - he was coming out to see his girlfriend but she broke up with him before he came out.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I'm back????

This has definitely been and interesting year. I won't go into the big boohoo of how yucky I feel or felt but I am pushing through. I have been very busy crafting so I hope to fill you in on some of the stuff I have been doing. Oct is my FAVORITE month to craft for so I have some supper stinken cute things I have made.

So hang tight while I get my collective dodo together........

Saturday, May 8, 2010

fell off the face of the earth

Ok so I'm still around but not doing great. I have to have surgery again on my nose and I am not happy about it. I have pretty much felt like dodo since Dec of last yr, boy I didn't think my stupid sinus could cause this much trouble. Anywho I hope to be back to my chatty self in a month don't hold your breath but your can cross everything that all goes well.........

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Charity quilt

I promised to show off my finished projects. I made it for Margaret's Hope Chest they make quilts for different situations. This quilt is for a little girls 10th birthday. Her request was pink and purple, hope she likes it :)

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bad blogger

Well if anyone still reads this, this is for you :). I guess I'm not as chatty as I was must not have much to say. I will say I am starting to feel normal again. After 2 surgeries in less than 3 month it's about time. We went on a vacation to Hawaii 2 weeks ago and it was fabulous. I still have been crafting and will try to post some of my creations :). I will try to be a better blogger and catch you all up......

Saturday, February 13, 2010


We put my very old dog to sleep today. She has been going down hill for a long time. This was the hardest thing to do but it was getting really bad. I had to help her up and down. I made my poor husband do it. He help the poor old thing into the car (I can't stop crying) and drove away. He came back 30 min later in tears. I thought he would just let them take her but he went in with her and held her head. Goodbye Cabbie you were a good dog and you will be missed.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Sorry everyone I have been a medical mess. I am feeling a little better. I had surgery (again) last Friday and it's taking me a little longer to feel human. The sinus infection from hell turned into a medical mess, anywho hopefully this will fix it.

Here is what I worked on during this whole mess. My cousin's 14 yr old requested this for her party.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Whew made it

Well the Holidays are over, yay and boo. The tot has one more week off at pre-school. The house is a disaster but who cares (I do). I have been working on my late Christmas gifts a little, hoping to get them done soon. I bought a butt load of more fabric hoping to make some dress and bags :).

Here's a sneak peek of the advent calendar.